Since October 2023, I deputise the Full Professorship of Anthropogeography at the Univesity of Passau. In addition, I coordinate the collaborative research project “Spaces of the Migration Society” (“Räume der Migrationsgesellschaft”) with its partners at the Intitute for interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence (IKG) at Bielefeld University; at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at Osnabrück University; at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. During the winter term 2020/2021, I deputised the professor for human geography at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, followed by deputising the professor for human geography of North America and urban geography during the summer term 2021. As human geographer and sociologist, I am interested in the interrelation of sociality, materiality and space in postmodern societies. A particular focus of my research is on international migration and urban developments across the globe.

Out now:

My book “Migration? Frag doch einfach!” is available now, both as print and as ebook.

The article “Grenzregionen in der COVID-19-Pandemie: Wie der „Grenzschock“ die Oberrheinregion veränderte”, published with Tobias Friedlaender, is out now and available open access in the journal “Standort. Zeitschrift für angewandte Geographie”.

The Theme Issue “Migration and Infrastructures”, published with Geographica Helvetica, is out now! Four great papers and an editorial by Leonie Tuitjer and myself on how to understand the interrelation of migration and infrastructures.

Our research on the effects of the pandemic on urban neighbourhoods in Germany is published in Social & Cultural Geography: Buycotting to save the neighbourhood? exploring the altered meaning of social infrastructures of consumption during the Covid-19 crisis in Linden, Hannover, Germany  (with Leonie Tuitjer and Gesine Tuitjer).

A review article on “Re‐thinking urban infrastructures as spaces of learning”, published in Geography Compass (with Leonie Tuitjer)

My book on international migration of high-skilled people: “Migration, Materialität und Identität. Verortungen zwischen Hier und Dort”

“Arbeitsbezogene Migration von Hochqualifizierten. Ein Plädoyer für eine geographische Perspektive” (with Jörg Plöger)

My article on “Street art in der Stadt – zwischen künstlerischer Ausdrucksform und planerischer Praxis. Eine relationale Analyse”, published in: “Planung ist unsichtbar”

Published in 2018: My article on Voices in the city. On the role of arts, artists and urban space for a just city

Published in 2017: edited volume on “Infrastukturen der Stadt”


Published in 2015: edited volume on “Architecture, Materiality and Society”

