I had the pleasure to hold a lecture at the SWR Medienforum Migration and to participate in a very inspiring panel discussion on the question of “Who belongs here? Society in transformation”.

And then I was invited to the WDR 5 Stadtgespräch, a panel discussion on “Flüchtlingshilfe in NRW-Kommunen am Limit?”, asking whether Northrhine-Westphalian municipalities are at their limits of supporting refugees. Live broadcastd from Telgte, Germany.
Happened in 2021: What an inspiring time at the Department of Geography at Heidelberg University! Many thanks to all colleagues and students who made this possible.
Happened in 2017: I had a great time as Visiting Academic at the Department of Geography at Durham University, UK. Thank you everyone for an inspiring and productive time! From now on, you can reach me at: mail[at]annalisamueller.de
Spring 2016: Thank God (or whoever), it is still in the internet: Jan Böhmermanns “Schmaehkritik”, including the context of the poem and English subtitles (you have to scroll down on the page to watch it).
November 2015: After Paris’ November 13 on Charlie Hebdo:
October 2015: On the (im)possibility to predict the economic future: “Sinn und Unsinn von Wirtschaftsprognosen” at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna
including a talk by the sociologist Dr. Werner Reichmann from the University of Konstanz
September 2015: This year’s European Urban Summer School City on Water is taking place at the Institute Labour and Economy (IAW) in Bremen
including a talk by me on September 22
August 2015: Reading The Pig and the Skyscraper: Chicago: A History of our Future
as preparation for this year’s Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in Chicago, USA
July 2015: Guest post on “International Transmigration, Senses of Belonging and Objects“
@ Border Criminologies, University of Oxford, UK
June 2015: New publication on the interrelation of architecture and society
Anna-Lisa Müller and Werner Reichmann (ed.): Architecture, Materiality and Society. Connecting Sociology of Architecture with Science and Technology Studies. Basingstoke & New York 2015: Palgrave Macmillan.